
江门市市长吴晓晖推介江门文旅:中国侨都,湾区江门,Happiness Happens Here!
  • 2024-09-26 10:28:00
  • 来源: 台山发布
  • 发布机构:台山政府网
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  9月25日,广东举行全省旅游发展大会。江门市委副书记、市长吴晓晖用视频推介江门文旅:中国侨都,湾区江门,happiness happens here!


  China's Capital of Overseas Chinese, Jiangmen in the Greater Bay Area, is a galaxy of advanced culture and talents, with abundant resources and treasures bestowed by nature. Pioneers like Chen Baisha and Liang Qichao set the pace for cultural development, while attractions like Birds' Paradise and the Chuan Islands are picturesque landscapes. The blend of Chinese and Western architecture in the watchtowers and arcades bears witness to the hardworking history of overseas Chinese. The rich aroma of coffee and afternoon tea fully embodies the lively atmosphere and the love for life.


  We will leverage our five major strengths of World Cultural Heritage sites, coastal areas, hot springs, ecology, and gourmet food to build the high-level agricultural, cultural, and tourism integration pilot zone in Kaiping-Taishan. We will accelerate the construction of major projects such as the Chikan Ancient Town, the Changti Historical District, and the Chuan Island Accommodation Cluster. We will meticulously plan signature routes, develop a strong brand of culture and arts, and create the "Jiangmen Three-Point-Three Fantastic Journey" together with all citizens, striving to comprehensively build a world-class tourist destination.

  江门,岭南侨乡风韵、精彩山水文城,happiness happens here!

  Jiangmen, a land of charm in Lingnan with the grace of Overseas Chinese Homeland, a city of splendid landscapes and culture, where happiness happens here!


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